There are important reasons why information relating to matters involving the Office of the Inspector is confidential.

Most information related to or connect with matters involving the Office of the Inspector is confidential.

This is because the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, the Ombudsman Act 1972 and the Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2016 impose strict limitations on what information can be disclosed or published.

See our Confidentiality of complaints fact sheet (PDF, 148.3 KB) for more.

What can I tell the Inspector?

You can disclose confidential information to the Office of the Inspector for the purposes of making a complaint about the ICAC, the OPI or the Ombudsman.

I need more advice

For further information about confidentiality requirements, you should consult:

  • Section 54 of the ICAC Act 2012
  • Section 29A of the Ombudsman Act 1972
  • Sections 45 and 46 of the Police Complaints and Discipline Act 2006

You may also seek independent legal advice.